5 stages of a dealing with a dying computer

There is a model of dealing with the death of someone called the Kübler- Ross model.  I figured it would work for my dying computer.

1.  Denial

My computer isn’t really dying, it’s just a virus.I’ll run a cleanup and it will be right as rain.

2. Anger

God damnit! This piece of shit won’t do anything. Why is it my computer? I’ve taken good care of it.

3. Bargaining

Maybe I can find battery at a cheap price. If I can just make it til May, I can get a newer one then.

4. Depression

*just cries during 15 minute boot time and lack of battery life*

5. Acceptance

Screw it, I got anew laptop and I’m just waiting for everything  to transfer over. Goodnight sweet laptop, you’ve served me well these last 4 years, but your time has come.

In memory of my HP Pavilion. May it rest in peace.

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