Hardest Indie Musicans Alive. Yes, that’s right; a backwards anagram. Doesn’t make sense with the Jay-Z/ Kanye song either but it’s still a great jam and like jam you can spread that goodness on the bread of my eardrum for my brain to digest and send messages to my head and feet to nod and stamp according.

Decadent of the eighties, Haim uses this so called age of cultural decline as influence to create a refreshing sound reminiscent of the high hair population who were just living in the moment. How were we to know that life in the eighties would later be considered a detriment to music, fashion, and culture? Sure, a red leather suit wasn’t a practical purchase but what about you, 90’s, and your obsession with poka dots and neon colored baggy jeans? Ye shall not pass judgement! You’re just recycling artifacts from the eighties and trending it today with the added accessories of the smart phone. Leggings are not for everyone! At least the ladies of yesteryear wore them with cut up jean shorts. Either you don’t know that when this fabric stretches, it becomes shear-er making your rosy under visible to the world or you just don’t care.

Haim uses this so called age of cultural decline as influence to create a refreshing sound reminiscent of the high hair population who were just living in the moment.And that is how we lived in the eighties, without care. It was cool –sweaters; it was cool — radio;  it was cool — high hair and with cool came a cultural reflection of life as we knew it and if you of the millennium bunch want a pure reflection of the 80’s influence on the musical styles of today then buy and listen to this album by Haim.

The perfect addition your music library whether it includes Taylor swift and Katy perry or Taylor Dane and Joan Jett. A fish out of water with the music of today and new kid who just so happens to fit into the niche of the 80’s era. The use of keyboard synths and bass rifts perfectly exemplies the music played during the days of the popular music video and MTV. These young women, not your honey pies, are true artifices of a genre where many bands got their start in homes with a Christmas or birthday gift of a guitar or keyboard with a hankering to create.

With tracks orchestrated by the three sister of Haim, their sound maintains an adhesive correctness throughout the album. The tone never waivers and each track is consistent to the genre of music they inherently or deliberately attempted to emulate. The journey I took with this album was a refreshing flashback to a time where adrogony was culturally accepted and mimicked by the masses. Prince and Bowie ruled the airwaves and white suits with neon undershirts adorned club-rats. I was an adolscent listening to Thiller on repeat while fast-forwarding past the creepy voice of Vincient Price and that all so memorable haa-ha-ha-hahahahahaha.

Days Are Gone… damn right they are. We live only to put the last day behind us. For those of you old enough to remember life in the eighties, this album will take you back to that unforgettable era of music. And for you young ones listen and learn. Music is more than shakin’ dat azz and more about shaking your ass to the music of one kick ass rock band.

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