Civil Unrest is a spoiler filled rant about Captain America: Civil War, the why of comic book movies, DC comics, and creating yourself.
[spp-timestamp time=”1:16″] – Black Panther is not bland because he is consumed by anger. Chris thought the Africa Prince/King showed no charisma in this movie beside a moment he had with Black Widow.10:36 – Is super hero fatigue a common symptom of movie goers. It seems we have nothing really to get excited for unless it’s an adaptation of a comic book.
[spp-timestamp time=”13:22″]- Spiderman shows up in this movie and he is awesome, however, how is it that this nerd doesn’t know Star Wars? [spp-timestamp time=”14:22″] – Tangent Alert! Chris references the upcoming Jude Apatow flick Pop Star. [spp-timestamp time=”14:45″] – Civil War is not like the story in the comic book which seems more practical. [spp-timestamp time=”16:20″] – Was Civil War really only Avengers 2.2 [spp-timestamp time=”17:47″] – The @*&k DC Debate [spp-timestamp time=”25:50″] – Way too many comic book movies. [spp-timestamp time=”30:39″] – “If you like Frank Miller, you don’t like Spiderman.” – C. Rupel [spp-timestamp time=”32:45″] – Alternative sport movie recommendation that is not our feature presentation: Over The Top starring Sylvester Stallone. [spp-timestamp time=”33:27″] – Big Hero Style [spp-timestamp time=”36:18″] – Zach Synder directs Disney’s Fox and The Hounds [spp-timestamp time=”42:53″] – Another Jerry frustration rant. Why am I so angry at the current state of judging people and their creative choice when directing [spp-timestamp time=”47:29″] – Apocalypse explains himself [spp-timestamp time=”51:51″] – Another expletive laden rant from yours truly [spp-timestamp time=”59:23″] – Do comic book movie matter if they don’t encourage the audience to read comic books? [spp-timestamp time=”1:02:02″] – Create Yourself [spp-timestamp time=”1:05:19″] – May sucks [spp-timestamp time=”1:06:45″] – Okay Sports Center you can stop with the consistent bombardment of the Nice Guys trailer during the NBA finals or any show on that channel. [spp-timestamp time=”1:07:15″] – Death to the Anger Bird’s mime bird… Again, Chris vows to end that bird. [spp-timestamp time=”1:08:52″] – Sorry, kids but the Ninja Turtles originally were killers of the best kind. Okay, spoiler, they were ninjas.