Marvel and DC comics should just split media like kids in a custody battle.
When it comes to adapting their respective comic book franchises, each company has it’s strengths and weaknesses. Each company is kind of like a parent and different types of media are like different children. Some parents are just gonna be better for certain kids. Marvel is infinitely more successful with it’s two children, movies and animated series. Whereas DC is much better suited to take care of it’s live action TV series’ and animated features. When the parents swap custody for a weekend, calamity ensues. DC tries to makes a movie where the main character isn’t it’s golden boy with the bat on his chest, it’s like a nightmare scene from Mr. Mom. There’s spaghetti on the walls, burnt shirts, and total box office and critical bedlam. On the flip side, if Marvel tries to make a live action series, even one who’s the little brother to it’s big brother the movies, it’s a little problem child and no one wants to be around it. I’m sorry Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. but it’s true. I love you, but the people just don’t love you like they love your older brother.