The Power of Words

The Power of Words

I love the Dresden Files series of books.

The series, written by Jim Butcher, is about a wizard who works as a private investigator in Chicago. You heard that right, wizard detective. As you can imagine, its an awesome mix of hard boiled noir mixed with magic and mythology. Butcher borrows from every known mythos in his 15 book run with the character, and we’re all better for it. I love this series on every level, but I think that my favorite parts come from showing that the main character, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden (summon it at your own risk) is a true wizard, meaning that he is of the wise, and through training and learning, he KNOWS things. Sometimes he goes on these inner monologue rants and just says some deep shit that’s a really insightful truth about life.

I spent my entire day off reading the newest book in the series “Skin Game”. This isn’t a review, because fifteen books in, I can’t review it without major spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read the series. Instead, I’m simply going to share a passage from the book, showing just how much I love when Butcher makes his title character think insightful thoughts. In this passage the main character is going through a lot of changes, and his female best friend, with whom there has always been sexual tension, is consoling him and touches his forehead to feel if he has a fever, because she’s worried about him.

Here’s the passage:

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