Ahright ahright ahriigghhtt…

Before I make my suggestion for a dream role for him, I highly recommend watching the two movies I discussed before. I think if you mix what he could do in those two movies, with a dash of his character from “True Detective”, then I think he’d be an excellent choice for the supposedly upcoming TV series adaptation of Vertigo comics’ “Preacher”. Nay say all you might, but ever since I saw those two movies, he was my clear cut choice for the main character of Jesse Custer, a hard knuckled ex Texan minister, on a quest to find God to make him account for leaving the throne of Heaven and letting the world go to shit. Throw in a couple of other great actors to back him up, such as Tim Roth as the Irish vampire Cassidy, and Patricia Arquette as Jesse’s girlfriend Tulip, and I think this adaptation would be aright aright aright.

Someone painted this for Reddit. Great minds think alike. They weren't even meaning for it to look like Matthew.

Someone painted this for Reddit. Great minds think alike. They weren’t even meaning for it to look like Matthew.

Until next time friends, I keep getting’ older and you stay the same age.

Josh Allen A.K.A...

General Dopeness

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