We recorded the very first episode of Talking With Burritos in February of 2014. Unbreakable was the movie subject and eating burritos was a delicious bad idea; it seems people don’t enjoy hearing you trash paper wrappers and chew your food while on mic.
Go figure.
With the movie playing on the television, Josh, Adam, Chris and Jerry discussed Unbreakable scene by scene. We recorded for almost four hours and had a great time breaking down what is by far M. Night Shaymalan’s best movie while building it up with the praise it rightly deserves. Our appreciation for this movie spurred the desire for us to bringĀ our random work discussions to a shareable platform for people like us to enjoy and hopefully relate.
In this episode we go back and reminisce about how this podcast began and where it’s going, and also why we chose to revisit M. Night Shaymalan’s Unbreakable ever year until this podcast ends or we cease to exist.