Heart of Dorkness: Day Two

This was a brand new day for me, and I was stoked. It was time to do Comicon right. I had lined up all the panels I wanted to see all day, and had a pocket full of business cards to distribute. I allotted time in between the panels to mingle through the crowds and take pictures and tell people about the site, and made time in the exhibition halls for the same.

I set out to my first panel, with my fully charged tablet and keyboard in hand, ready to take notes (so expect a few future blogs about the different panels coming soon). My first panel was “Astrobiology of Mass Effect”, which was pretty great. After that was a panel about the non canonization of the Star Wars Extended Universe. Then I went off plan and skipped a trivia panel in order to meet up with my co workers before our Editor in Cheif headed back home. After that my remaining associate and I headed to the exhibition hall. We spent a couple hours getting pictures all over before heading to our next panel. This one one I’d been looking forward to.

Some of you may remember before our site crashed and we lost all of my previously written blogs, I had done one about letting go of the TV series Firefly. Well that’s pretty much exactly what this panel was about. Accepting the fact that the show isn’t coming back, and learning to deal with it. I was pretty stoked as they reinforced every point I had made as well as added new ones.

More mingling.

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