As we look forward into the future and can clearly see our impending doom isn’t it basic human curiosity to wonder how you might kill time during an apocalypse. In this episode Chris and Jerry delve into the subject as we ponder how we might spend or last days/months/years on earth. What’s the best apocalyptic scenario to endure? This Is The End, duh. Go Franco! And oh, yeah, that movie X-men Apocalypse.
X-Men Apocalypse
Did we enjoy the movie? At this point who the hell cares. X-men was just another character heavy movie by Bryan Singer that does very little to showcase the depth its characters and importance of the X-men to the Marvel Universe. To put it simply: keep it simple. Make a movie about the X-men and leave out the exposition. We’ve been there, done that, and now we’re just tired. Sure you can show us Jubilee in a cameo, but why should we care? You messed up Wolverine Origins and so why not throw in Weapon X. It’s all an fare and it’s now recently been proven that the viewing public just doesn’t care any more. Singer has run his course as director of this franchise and until they dump him and widen their narrow view of what we the public/fans need to see of the X-men, Fox may as well close the chapter on attempting to make money off the X-men and focus on making better movies in general.
Justice League Movie Title
I saw this article which mentioned Warner Bros. were close to releasing the exact title to the Justice League Movie. At the time of this recording the title of the movie was Justice League: Part One, but after some fact checking we discovered the title to be Justice League. That’s right Justice League.
Batman: The Animated Series
One of the best Batman interpretation ever made was Batman: The Animated Series. If you have never see the episode, watch the Heart of Ice. This is a touch character story of one of Batman’s more infamous foes Mr. Freeze.
What’s The Most Awful Apocalyptic Scenario
Nuclear winter?
A Meteor
Natural Disaster: Earthquake, Volcano, Acid Rain
On June 01, 2016 many Phoenix Arizona resident witnessed a meteor entered the Earth’s atmosphere and crash somewhere north of the state.
Video Here:
Cormac McCarthy’s, The Road
On the subject of worse case scenarios, we delve into The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. A man and his child struggle to stay alive in an apocalyptic world where dead is a blessing and living is a curse.
“Death is a luxury.”
How do you motivate yourself to live when there is no hope?
Humans have a nature instinct to survive but when there is no hope why is it that some people will be able to forge and find that little bit of hope to help motivate them to live.
Are there any good guys in an Apocalypse?
There can be no good people during a Apocalypse. No matter how righteous you are, when you are fighting to live — even if you kill to protect — you are not good.
There’s No Good or Evil at the End of the World There is only You
Comic Book Reference: Superman at Earth’s End
I am Legend Again
Check out that episode here when we go more into depth about I Am Legend and The Last Man on Earth.
[spp-tweet tweet=” A legend is what you do and not who you are.”]Fallout with Chris [spp-timestamp time=”34:34″]
One Man and A Crate of Puppets Penny Comic
- Eat Insects.
- A lot of self loathing
- Lose the family.
- Craft erotic sculptures
- Full Circle Apocalypse. The conversation leads us back to X-men: Apocalypse for some reason. Don’t ask me why, it just happened.
Seriously, we do not know. It all depends on the scenario. Whether it’s by nuclear war, a natural disaster, or The Rapture. We can prepare ourselves for whats to come until we’re thrust into that position of “I must live.” Prepare all you want. Start collecting canned goods now but we are not truly prepared until the moment becomes real and our true survival instinct kick in and define who we are when the apocalypse is upon us.
Videos and Links Mentioned in this Episode
Did you know that the line in X-men 3, “ I’m the Juggernaut, you bitch!” was a reference to line from a Youtube video?
Pork Chop Sandwiches
A G.I. Joe dubbed over PSA.
Francos Rapture Scene
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