Appetizers – Llama

Being a smartphone owner you want two things. More juice and limit the amount of data you’re using. With Llama you can do both. Llama is a location based app that will allow you to set up events and profiles.
Llama uses cell towers to figure out where you currently are so that way you don’t have to have GPS on and this helps save your battery. In order for Llama to use the cell towers you’ll have to set up each location you want. Llama starts with home and work and you can add or remove locations based on your needs. When you create a new location you’ll need to press and hold the location you’ve created and choose “start learning area”. You can choose how long Llama will learn your location and you can also choose to stop learning the area if you end up leaving before it is done.
The profiles are strictly going to allow you to control the volume settings on your phone. I have a “normal” profile that I use whenever I’m at home or roaming around that keeps the ringtone and notification volume at the max. I also have a “silent” profile that I use when I’m at work that turns off the ringtone and notification volume but keeps the vibration setting on.

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