Events can be used for multiple things. I personally have mine set to turn on WiFi any time I unlock my phone while I’m at home. While I’m at work I have my phone set to keep Wi-Fi and data off at all times unless I open certain apps. The only thing that can be annoying about setting up events is that for every event you create you need to create a counter event. If you take my example of turning Wi-Fi on when I unlock my phone I have to create another event that states that my phone will turn off Wi-Fi once my screen turns off. I also have to have an event that states that when I close out an app while I’m at work data will shut off.
Location based apps are great for anyone. If you hardly use your phone it just means you don’t have to worry about charging your phone every night or if you’re like me and use your phone for everything then you definitely should give Llama or another location based app a try. Another location based app that I haven’t experimented with is Tasker but keep in mind that Tasker isn’t free. Llama is. If you’re a Motorola owner then you probably have smart actions on your phone which is another location based app. All of these options are available on Android devices minus Smart Actions. Smart Actions is only available to those who own a Motorola phone. I probably should have mentioned this last part at the beginning….I tried finding other options for iPhone and Windows users but my search was in vain. Currently to my knowledge both iPhone and Windows phones don’t have any sort of location based app.
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Appetizers – Llama
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