Not With A Bang, But With A Whimper…

Honestly even the stuff that isn’t their biggest hits are still pretty great. Roxanne? The best Cyrano De Bergerac adaptation yet. As for Eddie? Hell the P.J.s should have gotten more than a handful of episodes. They both did amazing comedy work, and at one time or another, each could have been considered the funniest man on the planet.

They both started to decline in the nineties as newer, edgier comedians hit the scene, but they trucked on. They tried and oh god was it painful. Eddie discovered CGI and the fat suit. Steve started to fade slowly away. In 1999 they decided “Fuck it” and they entered a career suicide pact and decided to do one more brilliant movie together then just give it all up.

This is SO my new wallpaper.

This is SO my new wallpaper.

Once they had “Bowfinger” in the can, they seemed to have agreed together that they had done their best work, and shook hands, agreeing that this was the end. After that movie, neither one of them has put any effort into being funny. What do we get from Eddie? “Gee, what fart joke and fat suit should I put on for this one?”. And Steve? He just seems depressing now. We get “Cheaper by the Dozen” 1 and 2, or “The Pink Panther” 1 and 2. In all of it he just seems bored, tired, and phoning it in. It’s like they’d both used up all their funny, and they’re not even trying to fight to get it back.

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