Virtual Pets

I liked the Digipets because they look like animals, but Tamagotchi... they look like a virus.

No one type of nerd

Back on the N-word podcast, episode 6 and 7 we talked about nerds and I said I would make a nerd hierarchy and Josh said something about putting an alpha nerd at the top. And I tried it that way and it didn’t work. Then I tried what was pretty much a nerd skill tree branching from the general, to either …

Waking Life

The most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.

The Not Man on Fire

Okay, in response to a friend who recently saw this movie and came out rather upset that no one else inside the theater shared in her excitement as Denzel murdered evildoers with precision and ease, I will convey my thoughts. First of all: Yell all you want Lynn G. If you feel the feeling, express yourself. Reactions to great scenes …


Fury: A Talking With Burritos Review

Fury is a decent war movie with tense and unsettling scenes but lacks the emotional depth to make it into the pantheon of memorable war movies of the last twenty years. The battle scenes — two actually — were pleasantly executed. I never knew of the antitank used by the Nazi army but whoa, it was a brickhouse and produced many …

Wonka Candy, A Halloween Tradition

There was no other candy I both loved and loathed to receive while trick or treating. Wonka candy always had that terrible effect. I’d always be excited to see nerds candy was what I received the only thing I’d hate was the day after when you bring the candy to school and a friend wanted some of your tiny amount …

Annabelle: Talking With Burritos Review

There’s mother standing in a nursery. Before her is a creepy ass doll with the intention to do bad to the resting baby who apparently sleeps through anything. Three words: Spaghetti Western Standoff. All I needed was a soundtrack from Ennio Morricone and a fight to death…ah, perfection. My kind of scary movie, a spaghetti western horror with a Black …

The Maze Runner – Review

Everything is going to change. Anyone familiar with the book, The Maze Runner, understands the meaning and importance of this phrase. Everything did change with this adaptation of the popular YA novel by James Dasher. However, it wasn’t horrible. The changes made were in concert to the plot and progression of the storyline without the use of too much exposition. …

Unpopular Opinions: Big Bang Theory

So Big Bang theory is going on to its 8th season and beyond and their actors are being paid about $1 million per episode. And aside from that being a ridiculous amount of money for a mediocre show with overused, tired tropes, it’s hailed as the normalization of nerds. But I’m here to tell you: it’s not. The whole premiss is …