(possibly) unpopular opinion: Windows 8.1

So within the recent months I came across 2 new Windows devices out of nessesity. The Nokia Lumia 635, and the Lenovo Flex 2, which both of them run Windows 8.1. So here’s a look at the Window’s new-ish OS.

Nokia Lumia 635



This was the phone that was a compromise between the “I want an actual smartphone” and the “I don’t want to go broke over a phone” phone. And it does its jobs well. Cortana’s voice recognition is pretty spot on, but even when she misunderstands what you say, you usually get a chance to correct it. No surprise for how cheap it is it doesn’t stack up to thinks like the Galaxy 5s, or the newer iPhones, but for its price its quick, its cute, and I’m just happy I don’t have my LG Optimus anymore.

The biggest drawback: the windows store makes it pretty limited in what apps you can and can’t get.

The biggest plus: easy to customize, user friendly.

Biggest random thing:

Windows 8.1 ala Lenovo Flex

I like to call it the Yoga’s lazy cousin, not quite as flexible, but still can bend more than most. So far it’s hard to tell the difference from a Lenovo from an HP, but I can definitely tell the difference from 7 to 8.1. For starters, the tile screen is better with touch, and I can see where that could be frustrating for people with non-touchscreen PC and laptops. But the desktop version, which to be honest, I use about 90% of the time, runs pretty similar to 7, and with the addition of the start menu button now, I tend to avoid tile unless I’m using Skype, or other things. So far I like it, but again, I mainly use it the old school way, since that’s what word and the internet rely on using.

The Biggest drawback: I can see for those of you that don’t have a touch screen how this OS would be a pain.

The Biggest plus: split screen multitasking has improved since 7.

The Biggest random thing: if you try to use your handwriting on the touchscreen instead of a keyboard, it recognizes handwriting even as bad as mine.


So there ya go. My look into the Windows phone and Windows 8.1.

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