Nerf has been doing some pretty sweet designs, most of which are how Nerf guns are pumped. This Nerf gun is the first lever-action and feels amazing to pump. Now I’m not saying this is a perfect Nerf gun, it has plenty of problems. For one it only comes with a 6 dart clip which in all fairness can be switched out with any larger clip, even the overkill 35 dart drum.
Seriously, who needs 35 darts?
Now something positive, holy shit is this sucker a comfy design, as long as your arms are long enough to reach all the way around, sorry kids this Nerf gun is not perfect for you it’s meant for real men! But in all honesty my girlfriend couldn’t really hold this Nerf gun properly without feeling uncomfortable. But when was the last time a Nerf gun of this magnitude made for a child?
Sorry kids, like Legos Nerf was made for serious adults!
Now something that I found a bit off about it was that it had a door for unjamming darts, but the thing is I’ve never had it jam and trust me I’ve let it go off enough to experience a jamming and it never happened. I guess it just goes to show you it’s better to have it and not need it than to not have it and need it.
Now the look of it isn’t the most spectacular, personally I’m not a big fan of the Z-strike color schemes or designs. On the upside I do enjoy the look of the fake wooden stock but it really clashes with green body. If it really wasn’t for the lever-action it would really be just any other Nerf gun and probably be left out of most collections.
Now this Nerf is far from perfect but it’s hardly far from being the worst, it’s such a likable Nerf I can’t help but think it’s going to be a big part of my collection. Hopefully we will get to see more lever action Nerf guns in the future but this one is a good start to an awesome idea. The Slingfire gets 3.5 Nerf darts out of 5.
And make sure to stay tuned because next week I’ll be reviewing the Doublestrike, so as always stay golden!