Why lie the one panel that I went to at Phoenix Comic Con that left the biggest impression on me was the one with the least amount of people. It was about the oh so amazing topic of fictional sandworms. Now you’re probably wondering, why sandworms? Well the easiest answer to that is I love the oddball topic choice of just talking about something no one else would even think about.
Now what did I learn about sandworms that I didn’t already know, the answer to that is nothing because I’m a badass who knows way too much about sandworms for his own good. In all honesty though the panel left me with a hunger like a bird for worms….gummi worms…what was I saying? Oh yes a hunger to actually read Dune and to rewatch the Tremors series, movie and show, and to make sure that I don’t become a victim of a sandworm attack.
And with that I believe I have a binge pledge to watch everything Tremors related. Until next time walk without rhythm and you won’t attract the worm.