Suicide Squad Isn’t The Worse of the Worst for DC Universe – TWB49

After much anticipation Suicide Squad has finally arrived. Could the worse of the worst DC’s villains prove to be heroes to WB’s extended universe? Suicide Squad has the potential to ruin Warner Bros. plans to greenlight movies for their least iconic characters. Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman films are currently swimming upstream as WB struggles to maintain some key name directors and writers attached to the fledgling productions. The well-received Wonder Woman trailers seem promising, but the Justice League’s Comic-Con spot failed to convince audiences scorned by Batman v Superman that Warner Bros and Zach Snyder have a vision of a better tomorrow. Funny how the plotline for Suicide Squad aptly applies to the current state of affairs at WB Studios. In the movie, the fate of the world rest in the hands of a team of criminals. In reality, the fate of many movie investments rests in the success of a Suicide Squad.

About the Suicide Squad

Jay Hernandez as Diablo does an exceptional job portraying this morally confused vato with a conscience.
The Suicide Squad Soundtrack.
Talking With Burritos ratings
The awesome cast that makes up the Suicide Squad
Charlies Comics, Tucson, AZ
Rotten Tomatoes reviews for Suicide Squad vs. Civil War
Gotham City in New Jersey?
Suicide Squads New 52 vs the movie
More on Viola
Who is The Witch?
Will and Margot’s onscreen Chemistry
Embracing Harley Quinn
The Joker

Jerry’s Introspection: Method Acting

Jared Leto stayed in character as the Joker in Suicide Squad. Could this be disingenuous to his character and possibly a crutch to help him portray such a mainstream notable who has transformed actors into cultural icons?

More of this Episode:

Um, I forgot Katana. Shame on me.
Dave Ayer as writer/director.
Jerry’s daughter and her anxiety-filled return to school
Did enough people die in the Suicide Squad movie?
Chris hates Bohemian Rhapsody, but the cover for this movie was aight.

Movie Suggestions

Wayne’s World

Closing Call

Jerry’s dream of Donald Trump and Sponge Bob
Pokemon Go update

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