X-Men and The Wolverine – TWB64

The final Wolverine film is upon us and it’s expected to be something of a masterpiece. We start this series of episodes exploring the Wolverine cannon from the X-men films to the comic books. How Do You Kill An Immortal is the first of said discussions with co-host The Rupel.

Breaking Down The Unbreakable – TWB50

We recorded the very first episode of Talking With Burritos in February of 2014. Unbreakable was the movie subject and eating burritos was a delicious bad idea; it seems people don’t enjoy hearing you trash paper wrappers and chew your food while on mic. Go figure. With the movie playing on the television, Josh, Adam, Chris and Jerry discussed Unbreakable …

The Not Man on Fire

Okay, in response to a friend who recently saw this movie and came out rather upset that no one else inside the theater shared in her excitement as Denzel murdered evildoers with precision and ease, I will convey my thoughts. First of all: Yell all you want Lynn G. If you feel the feeling, express yourself. Reactions to great scenes …

Annabelle: Talking With Burritos Review

There’s mother standing in a nursery. Before her is a creepy ass doll with the intention to do bad to the resting baby who apparently sleeps through anything. Three words: Spaghetti Western Standoff. All I needed was a soundtrack from Ennio Morricone and a fight to death…ah, perfection. My kind of scary movie, a spaghetti western horror with a Black …