In two movies, Disney and Marvel, (kinda) redefined or rather reintroduced the sympathetic villain into the mainstream zeitgeist: Kilmonger and Thanos. We may not like the pain Thanos inflicts on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in Avengers Infinity War but you gotta like the guy; he has conviction and purpose. Sure he’s crazier than a raccoon climbing a skyscraper, vicious, and a bit of a psychopath. However, he’s also compassionate and empathetic. Violence is just the result of the many obstacles impeding the progress of best-laid plans. Not to applaud his efforts and eventual success but there is reasoning to his logic and it’s rooted in the history of our world and The Good Book.
How Disney solved the villain problem with Thanos?
- Made the plight of Killmonger and Thanos more sympathetic.
- To sympathize with someone filled with wicked intentions almost seems counterintuitive to our humanistic nature but it’s interesting to observe their behavior and question what it is that makes them tick.
- Evil is good onscreen but not in true life. To watch Thanos and Killmonger kill everyone they come into contact with is cool to watch play out on screen, but in true life, nope.
- Empathy and Sympathy; Killmonger empathizes the plight of Black people all over the world while Thanos sympathizes with the plight of the universe.
*Remember the Sandman.
Thanos sympathizes with the plight universe, but are his motives without some truth filled obscurities?
The book “Inferno” by Dan Brown has a villain whose motive is to recreate the destruction of the Bubonic plague on a global scale in an insane effort to save the earth from overpopulation.
As the earth nears 1.4 billion people, most of the earth’s population live below the poverty level of the statehood and country in which they live.
In the 1300’s, the Bubonic plague decimated the population of Europe by millions, and the result: Europes economy thrived back to life to only experience more devastation: two world wars and more death.
“If life goes unchecked. Life will cease to exist.” — Thanos, Avengers, Infinity War
Thanos’ logic may be unsound but it’s not without reason if you read the Bible.
Sodom and Gomorrah – God sent two angels to destroy the wicked city.
God sent a great flood to wash away the sins of man and basically start over.
Destruction is part of life. Thanos decides to excite destruction in an effort to save the universe from suffering.
Mount Kilauea is a good example of natural destruction occurring right now. When volcanos erupt, they create land in the wake of its destruction.
Sulfur dioxide
Here are some likable, unlikeable villains:
1. Wil E. Coyote
2. Mr. Freeze
3. Koba, Planet of the Apes
4. Daniel Plainview
5. Insert female villain here: maybe
- Regina from Mean Girls
- Virginia Wolf
- Ellen Burstyn from Rosemary’s Baby
- Jennifer Jason Leigh – Single White Female
- Sharon Stone, Basic Attraction
- Robin Givens in everything, Boomerang
- Winnie Cooper
- Cruella
- Any childhood crush who broke a young person’s heart. Elizabeth of Bathory all she wanted to be was pretty… forever
With Infinity War, the Marvel Universe just expanded into the Marvel Infinite.
The demise of half the worlds population along with the acquisition of Fox Studios could change the Marvel Universe into an Infinite Saga of films.
Comcast boldly went where no one wants to go and proposed a hostile bid to acquire Fox Studios from the ever-expanding Disney.
In the business of Hollywood, Disney is the supreme distributor of content but this isn’t (exactly) a bag thing. Movies and shows produced by Disney are high-quality box office successes. Just let it happen. Find a new obsession because Disney –at the point— has us all convinced that they know how to do franchise right.
Question: How does this possible merger affect the MCU? Two words, one name: Silver Surfer.
Fingers crossed.
My theories on where the MCU cinematic universe goes from here.
- Adam Warlock is the key. At the end of Guardians 2, The Gold queen creates a being she calls Adam. In the comic, Adam (Warlock) is a celestial being who at some time along the Marvel timeline helps to destroy Thanos.
- Adam is the protector of the soul gem. And if Strange changed the timeline so that Adam exists, then he alone will possess the soul gem and protect it against Thanos. That was the last gem needed to complete the Gauntlet, so it makes sense to alter the timeline to accommodate this possible plot line of the saga.
- Dr. Strange’s change did not deter the destruction of half the sentient life on Earth. We have to come to grips with that; they’re all gone.
- The new timeline is the current timeline. The only way to stop Thanos is to change time; create an event in the past that changes the future. Strange will show up in the past (like Days of Future Past) and the outcome will make it more feasible that this event happened the way it occurred in Infinity War.
- Infinity War Part 2 is not Part 2 but Infinity Gauntlet. At the end of Infinity War, we watch as Thanos peacefully reflects upon a beautiful valley. Is this home or is this his purgatory? Gauntlet is full of reflections and this just might be the Gauntlet movie tracing back to his seeking of the stones and love for Death aka Gamorra who in fact is not dead. Only her image is used by Death to manipulate Thanos. He says he messed up once with no more information as to how.
Weekly Gratitude:
Live each day as if it were your last, and don’t listen to this stupid statement. Live each day with the intent of seeing tomorrow and continuing to exist, create, and love.
Flava text:
Ashes to ashes dust to dust. Woman, I said don’t look back!
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