The Briefcase Goes to Con

The Briefcase Goes to Con


I refer you to General Dopeness’ review of his first day of attending Phoenix comic-con. Although the day he references was technically my second day, all three of us Burros [myself, Josh and Chris] all felt the same disassociation with the overall atmosphere if the eventful “nerd gathering.”

Phoenix Comic-con is the first con i’ve attended in, I would say, six years. Back in 2006 it was much easier to obtain tickets to the phenomenon known as COMIC CON SAN DIEGO and for three consecutive years, The Original Three, used this road trip as a summer bro-cation. It was fun, but really , we were there because of the hype. Comic books weren’t necessarily our point of interest, it was film.

Hall H on Saturday — we didn’t move. The plan was to always arrive early for the the first panel (one year we discovered the existence of Twihards, wow). After each panel,  ome good — others bad, we inched our way forward to the very front rows. As precedence Kevin Smith ends day with the very last panel. Now positioned in the very front rows and having endured sitting for countless hours, we were ready some some funny or the slight spitel from Rosario Dawson’s mouth. One year I turned to my friend Michael and said, “we’re going to be up there one day” and I truly meant it.  During that time I had aspirations of creating something new, a comic book or a movie, and the Con served as a means to convincing me that anything was possible.

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