So Big Bang theory is going on to its 8th season and beyond and their actors are being paid about $1 million per episode. And aside from that being a ridiculous amount of money for a mediocre show with overused, tired tropes, it’s hailed as the normalization of nerds. But I’m here to tell you: it’s not.
The whole premiss is dependent on the main fours’ gender, man.

Or more specifically the men that were considered nerds in the 50s
As for women in the show, even until now, no woman is really there without needing to be in relation to a man. Whether it be a love interest or just there as a foil/vague antagonist. Very few episodes with the women even really pass the Bechdel test which just proves how dependant their characters are tied to the men’s lives.
And there are strong elements of “good guy” syndrome because Leonard doesn’t take advantage of drunken Penny multiple times and even though Howard is a sexist pervert, he mends his ways and both are rewarded with women. Not raping someone and realising what a douche you were should not be worthy of reward. It should be expected standard behavior.

Hell even Sheldon has his moment of biting the friendzone bullet of “letting” Amy attempt having sex with a guy, even though a)she never does and b)neither of them are dating in more than a platonic friend way and doing it to appease their parents. Which is played for laughs. Which is how any non white heteronormative thing is played. Raj might be gay, hilarious. Raj is Indian, a side splitter.Howard is stereotypically Jewish, I’m laughing till it hurts. Amy has some bisexual tendencies, laughing my fucking ass off. Sheldon might be asexual, and that’s goddamn funny as well.

Their differences are treated as hilarious little quirks, not as actual characteristics. There is no long term character arcs of any sort besides them trying to get laid. You can still have comedy as characters grow as people. And what little growth they do go through is so stunted, their haircuts change more than they have.
Honestly, the worst part is that it should what nerds can and ultimately can’t be. Women can’t be cultural nerds (liking stuff like Star Wars, Comics, video games), neither can be sexual in any way that isn’t bumbling and hilarious. We also can’t be fit, we can’t even know about sports unless it’s related to the automatically traumatic experience of growing up in an ass backwards town.
Long story short: Big Bang theory is based on white, hetero, classist privilege, of pseudo nerds. Everyone not in that flilter is made fun of for such. Everyone is unlikeable except for the characters that you don’t know well enough to not like yet.
Also, why does everyone that hates Two and a Half Men love the shit out of BBT, when their written and produced by the same people and has the same sleazy glean to it? I dont get it.