Wonka Candy, A Halloween Tradition

There was no other candy I both loved and loathed to receive while trick or treating. Wonka candy always had that terrible effect. I’d always be excited to see nerds candy was what I received the only thing I’d hate was the day after when you bring the candy to school and a friend wanted some of your tiny amount of nerds that you probably already gobbled up. Then they’d be angry at you for bogarting the said candies and then ignore you for that recess all over a crappy fun pack that truly isn’t as fun as the creators of them intended.

Because a single mouth full of candy is so much fun.

Because a single mouth full of candy is so much fun.


And let us not forget the Russian Roulette candy known as Laffy Taffy. God help you if you ever got banana, the most wretched of these artificial flavored atrocities. But who knows maybe you’ll get one of the other three flavors; grape, which is reminiscent of grape soda that’s been out in the sun for longer that it should, green apple, which tastes like your average apple, and of course cherry. Yeah I’ve got nothing for cherry, tastes alright to me.




I am not going to make a cherry popping joke here.

I am not going to make a cherry popping joke here.

Now  the real candy you wish to god you’d never get was, well actually it’s two candies but god forbid no two tart candies taste the same. If you haven’t already guessed I’m talking about Sweettarts and Bottlecaps. Because nothing makes your mouth go crazy like chalk like candy that has less flavor than actual chalk.


These bottlecaps are way better than that useless chalk.

These bottlecaps are way better than that useless chalk.

Now nostalgia never really holds up all that well for me with these candies mostly because Wonka candy that you don’t get in fun size halloween bags are way better than any of those in the big bag. But nostalgia overcomes my sweet buds and I can’t help but get a bag of Wonka candy every year.

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